What happens when half of an island becomes national park? The animals throw a party! For its modest size, Saturna has amazing opportunities for wildlife watching and photography. It’s an especially easy place for young children to see their first deer, eagle or seal in the wild. It is a birders’ paradise with many species migrating here for the winter months. Every year Saturna Islanders participate in an annual bird count, how many can you spot? See our handy checklist below. Saturna is lucky to be known as the premiere whale watching location in the Southern Gulf Islands. Follow us on The Whale Trail, an internationally recognized association that supports terrestrial whale watching from East Point Park.
Saturna Island Recreation & Cultural Centre
104 Harris Road
Saturna Island, BC V0N 2Y0
About: We offer a broad range of sports, recreational and cultural activities, all year-round. Our activities are open to all residents and visitors with something for all ages. The Saturna Recreation Centre is also a place where the community comes together to celebrate, display arts and crafts, share ideas and hold meetings, large and small.
Saturna Island Marine Research & Education Society (SIMRES)
P.O. Box 117; East Point Lighthouse
Saturna Island, BC V0N 2Y0
About: SIMRES SeaTalks Come and learn more about our awesome ocean environment from scientists, researchers and other experts who study the Salish Sea. Our SeaTalks cover many current topics, from plankton to orcas and are often held outdoors in summer or indoors at the Community Hall jsut up from the ferry terminal. Make your way to East Point where you can sometimes see orcas passing as close as 20 feet from shore. The SeaTalks schedule can be found on our website at saturnamarineresearch.ca. For further information e-mail us at info@saturnamarineresearch.ca. You can ask to be put on our mailing list for the latest news about our activities and events.
Community Hall
105 East Point Rd.
About: Just up from the ferry dock. Iconic Gulf Island Community Hall-built in 1933. Home to many Island events and planning. Available for rent, splendid acoustics, fully equipped stage, backstage and sound system, commercial kitchen. Used for cultural performances, meetings, dinners, movies and weddings.
St. Christopher’s Anglican Church
140 East Point Road
Saturna Island, BC V0N 2Y0
About: St. Christopher's celebrated 50 years of service in 2013. A variety of services are offered including Eucharist in the Anglican tradition, lay-led morning worship and meditation. We are fortunate to have Rev. Dawn Wood as a retired full-time resident as well as Revs. David Wylie, Dick Walenta and Jeanette Amundson as part-time residents, along with several trained lay-leaders to guide us in worship. The Parish supplies visiting rectors to rotate with Rev. Chas Belknap, our Parish priest. The sign in front of St. Christopher’s at 140 East Point Road will indicate the form and time of service each week. Should you wish to plan ahead, inquiries can be directed to the email address and will be responded to at our earliest convenience.
Saturna Community Club
Saturna Island, BC V0N 2Y0
About: Formed in 1932, "to foster the well being of Saturna Island through support and assistance." Historically sponsored the library, and recycling-presently sponsors Health Services, Heritage Committee\Fab Building, Better at Home. Provides a continuing forum to create communications with government bodies that impact Island life. Funding is through proceeds and volunteer efforts from the July 1st, Canada Day, Lamb BBQ.
SIRRA (Saturna Island Ratepayers and Residents Association)
About: SIRRA provides a forum for property owners and residents to discuss matters of common interest on issues of legislation, regulation, taxation and policies of governments and government services to Saturna Island. They communicate to members concerning these issues and provide meaningful consultation to members, to receive their views and to make recommendations relating to these issues, and to provide a voice through which members may disseminate their views to the general public, governments and other appropriate audiences. SIRRA membership is available to Saturna property owners and residents. Membership: $10 per year.
Gulf Islands National Park Reserve
PO Box 88
Saturna Island, BC V0N 2Y0
About: Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, established in 2003, safeguards a number of islands, islets and reefs in the Southern Gulf Islands. A large portion of Saturna Island is protected by the park reserve and here you will find a gateway to adverturous hiking, boating, kayaking, back country camping, wildlife viewing including first class land based whale-watching at East Point, breathtaking viewpoints including Mt. Warburton Pike (the highest peak in the park reserve) and spectaular shorelines to explore. Camping on Saturna: Located at the eastern end of Narvaez Bay Rd, Narvaez Bay Campground is a small and tranquil 7-site backcountry campground with picturesque views of the bay and nearby hiking trails. Ideal for cycle camper or kayakers. Parking available off Narvaez Bay Road. Follow a short (1.7km) trail to the self registration - first come, first serve campsites. Facilities are limited and pets must be on leash at all times. You must pack in and pack out and there are no fires allowed at any time. Visit the website for details and map.
Eddie Reid Memorial Library
140 East Point Rd.
(Church Basement)
Saturna Island, BC V0N 2Y0 Canada
About: Located in the basement of St. Christopher's Church the Saturna Eddie Reid Memorial Library is open on Wednesday and Saturday fro 10:30 am to 3:00 pm.
Saturna Lions Club
PO Box 177
Saturna Island, BC V0N 2Y0
About: The Saturna Island Lions Club is a service club that works primarily for the local community. We support other community organizations through our fund raising efforts and with gaming funds from the British Columbia Provincial government as well as undertaking a variety of public works projects. The meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of each month at the Saturna Island Recreation and Cultural Centre, 104 Harris Road. Firewood sales help support our fundraising efforts and are by donation, phone Hans Karstens at 250-539-3261to place an order. If you are interested in the Shuttle Bus please find the information on our Celebrate section of this website.
Heritage Centre (Fog Alarm Building) at East Point Park
East Point Light Station
Saturna Island, BC V0N 2Y0
About: The Fog Alarm (aka Foghorn) Building at East Point was saved from the wrecking ball and converted into a place-based museum by the Saturna Heritage Committee. The FAB contains exhibits about East Point and Saturna Island, the European exploration of the area in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the lighthouse, the whales and much more.
Parks & Recreation Commission
General Delivery
Saturna Island, BC V0N 2Y0
About: Saturna Island Parks & Recreation Commission supports all forms of recreation on Saturna; maintains Thomson Park, East Point Park and the Winter Cove ball field; and 16 improved beach access points and trails. Activities sponsored by the Commission include: Thomson Park Clean-Up and BBQ, Taylor Point Row-Paddle-Hike, Salmon BBQ, Parks Day at East Point and organized hikes. Nine hole disc golf course located at Thompson Park, please bring your own discs.